Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Picture's Worth a 1000...

WERDS. A 1000 words. Did y'all get that right?
And speaking of pictures, you know those pictures that capture a single moment, but tell a whole story?
Ok, no. I'm not talking about pictures of me in a bonnet/after jaw surgery/when half of my face swelled up from an allergic reaction and I looked like the love child of obesity and china. (ask anyone if they have that last one on their phone...99.7% chance they do.)
You know what I'm talking about?
The pictures that, good or bad, changed mankind?
The pictures that caught your breath, left a gaping wound in your heart and scorched your soul??
(Sorry. A little too much American Heritage to the head.)

But srsly. I'm talking pictures a little like these: 

Loch Ness Monster (1934)
"Last week, Japanese scientists placed explosive detonators at the bottom of Lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. Sir Godfrey of the Nessie Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its local residents and all those who seek for the peaceful existence of our underwater ally."

Tiananmen Square (1989)
...Aaaaand that's when the fetal position comes in.

Migrant Mother (1936)
......Mother Susan??

Abbey Road (1969)
Teensy mistake Beatles...I believe it's spelled "Abby Road."

V-J Day in Times Square (1945)
I think a group chant along the lines of "get some!" is in order.

Afghan Girl (1984)
Egad! Am I the only one that feels like she can see into my soul??? picking up what I'm throwing down? We're all on the same page? Specgoodular. Fantawestic? Glorsupeious?.  ... .. . .. .... .. .... .making word babies ain't my thing.
I, Abigail Elizabeth Christensen, not two days ago took part in a picture that was not only an rare and significant event, but will soon join with the above photos in The Famous Place Where They Hang Such Things.
Words would be inadequate, an explanation -  too trivial. Nay, I will let the picture speak for itself:

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... .. . .
YES that is me, and YES that cat was giving ME a *high five*
I could die happy.

And just after viewing such a peachy delight, you prolly could too. 

Katz out.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Before I begin my usual rantings, can I just share a really, REALLY visual word with you?


Oooh. Let that sit for a moment.
Ens whos, am I the only freaking out that it’s already October?? Yes? Oh. So…am I the only one freaking out that the guy who does yoda’s voice also does miss piggy’s? Yes again? Ummm….well….JIMMER’S ENGAGED. Oh…you … .. knew that too?


But suriously - Am I the only one that thinks October is a bittersweet month? I mean you got the GOOD things like pumpkin carving, leaves changing, soup slurping, and HALLOWEEN, but October also means……WINTER will be here soon. (involuntary shudder) Now I’m not talking Florida or California winters – I’m talking frost scrapin’, ice crunchin’, nose wipin’, face numbin’, wish-you-were-dead-because-it-lasts-six-months UTAH winters.

For all you “But winter means SKIING” or “Snow is so pretty!” or even worse, “Winter fashion is so cute!” sayers, to you I say BOO. That’s right. BOO. All those things last a day and then it’s, “I missssssssssssssssssssssss summer.” (Note: I don’t hate Christmas. Quite the contrary. SANTA 4 LYPHE) Shoot…I’m sorry to rant. I’m just a summer kind of girl – plus trying to ride with the windows down/tunes blasting/shades rocking in winter just leaves you with pnemonia and weird looks.

…On that note, let’s get to the goods a.k.a ABBY’S LYPHE IN KOLLEGE.
One month in and it’s so far, so good(ish). I think it’s safe to say I’m a tride and true, BYU blue cougar fan/full time student extroidinaire. I mean, I feel comfortable:
  • Making Jimmer jokes (see above)
  • Singing Rise and Shout at games/during class/in the shower/at all times
  • Openly stalking Jake Heaps Riley Nelson
  • Audibly gasping whenever someone says *crap*
  • Studying with Harold……B. Lee, that is. Ever heard of him?
  • Spewing out building acromyns on command – HFAC!JKB!SWKT!JFSB!
  • Looking at engagement rings in Book of Mormon class
  • Being engaged
  • Riding my unicycle around campus. Yeaaaah…I’m THAT girl.

The only bad thing is MIDTERMS (voluntary shudder) are next week! Dun dun dun. Soo…I have to apply what I’m learning in class? Cr*p. What happened to the good ol’ miss-a-week-of-class-then-show-up-half-asleep-for-a-test-and-ace-it days in hihskool? Higsool? Hihscool? Eh it’s been so long I can’t even remember WHAT we used to call it.

Welp. Wish me luck. I get the feeling me and Harold are going to spend a looooot of time together this week. Anyone want to join us on the 5th floor? No….? Real cool guys. Ril kool.

Cat shirt of the week:

is someone keeping track of all these?