I like making lists.
In fact, one could say that I'm a world class list-maker...lister...listacular extradinaire?
Take your pick.
Aaaaaaaand to show that I'm not bluffing, I'll whip out a couple of lists RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW.
The Multiple Banes of Abby's Existence:
1. ENGLISH. (Note: Not the english language, but the english class. Me + No motivation + Time in the Library = NO BUENONESS.)
2. PROM DRESSES. Finding one that tailors to Mother Susan's modesty par/price range, along with Abby's taste is mission impossible.
4. INDEPENDENCE PACKETS. If I had to choose between cheese-grating my brain, filing off my fingers with a rusty spoon or doing an Independence packet.. . .. .... .. ... .. .yeaaaah ok. I'd do the packet but with a very, VERY unwilling heart.
5. THE ABSENCE/TARDY CALLS. In Father Craig's mind, I'm a delinquent.
6. BRACES. (See previous "CSBDFT" post)
7. BURNT TOAST. In two fateful minutes, your whole day is burned!
The Small Things that Make Abby Smile:
3. The gas needle on full. (A RARE FEAT WITHIN ITSELF)
4. Finding 5 bucks in my pocket. (No 20s in there..)
5. Good-smelling hand soap. (I call it the Bn'B double threat...heh heh hee)
6. The Sexy Sax Man. (Look! He's playing to the baby)
7. Awkward dance moves. (Unn tss unn tss unn tss)
8. A good rap song. (Big K.R.I.T, anyone?)
9. Blog updates (ooh..the irony)
10. 80's music/music videos.
11. Lindt truffs.
What Abby Did Today:
1. Learned how to fly.
2. Rode a magical, talking unicorn named Eldon to Candy Land.
3. Had my first Crunch Wrap Supreme.
Movies Abby Could Watch Over and Over Again If She Were Stuck in A Room With All Her Favorite Movies:
(Off the Top of Her Head, Of Course)
1. EVER AFTER. "There was a bee."
2. SHE'S THE MAN. "Have a grrreat apple and sandwich!"
3. EMPS NEWS GROOVES. "A big. stupid. monkey. named. KRONK!!"
4. MOULIN ROUGE. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn-- is just to love and be loved in return."
5. TANGLED. "Is there any chance I'm going to get super strength in my hand? Because I'm not going to lie...that would be stupendous.
6. HOT ROD. "It's nice to see him smiling again. He won't be smiling...WHEN I MURDER HIM!"
7. CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS. "Four eyes, four eyes you need glasses to see!"
8. MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. "She turned me into a newt!...I got better."
And of course,
This is Ryan. He's Good with Kids. And DOPE.
This is Bryn and Popers. They blog. Bless them.
This is Thomas. He's a good kid. ((and my senior ball date)) Whaaa..?
This is Alice. We're all here for you, Dr. A.
This is Brando. I know...2hawt2handle.
This is Elizabeth. She's in love.
This is Ross. A.k.a BESTEST BIG BROTHER :):):)
This is Soph-Dawg. She's running for Sophomore Secretary.
This is Nikki/Nikki's Chicken. They're both my biggest fans.
And, of course, my biggest inspirations: